Eyes of an Angel Read online

Page 13

  Meldor's voice softened. “Don't worry. You'll be just fine. You were becoming a bit too emotionally involved yesterday. You've got to lighten up a little or you may end up blocking your own efforts. That's why I've been trying to cheer you up. Just remember, even if you can't see me, I'll be right beside you.”

  With that, there came a surge in vibration, and a moment later I found myself hovering in the air above the lake we had visited the previous day. Below me the same two bodies floated beneath the surface, one male, the other female. About a hundred yards from shore I noticed a small boat lying on the bottom in relatively shallow water. I somehow knew that it had been swamped in a sudden storm. The man and the woman had drowned.

  My attention was then drawn to the lone male sitting at the edge of the water. Rocking back and forth in apparent grief, he appeared extremely agitated. Tears streamed down his face.

  At that point I became aware of another being floating in the air beside me. I felt his vibration but I couldn't get a close look—his shimmering image faded in and out of view. Not alarmed in the least, I wondered who he was and why he was there beside me. Meldor interjected, telling me telepathically that this entity was the spirit guide of the man on the beach. His was the soul we had come for, and his spirit guide was along to assist in leading him to the Light. It was my job to get this poor man's attention and bring him to the realization that he had died.

  As I descended to the shore, I wasn't sure what to expect. From there I walked slowly in the sand until I drew to within just a few feet of the man. He appeared to be in his mid-thirties, a bit stocky, but of average height. With a mop of dark matted hair, and a week's growth of stubble, he looked like he'd seen better days. Undoubtedly supplied by his spirit guide, the name “Randy” resounded in my mind.

  I was about to step closer, when a wave of energy almost toppled me. Inundated with a jumble of frantic, overwhelming emotions, I realized I was actually hearing and feeling the man's thoughts. Imprisoned in his own reality of unthinkable horror, he was paralyzed with shock. The sheer intensity of his mental anguish was staggering. I found myself backing away, begging, “Oh God, I can't do this. How am I supposed to help him?” Instantly, Meldor's reassuring voice calmed my fear.

  “It's okay, Paul. You'll be just fine. Nothing can harm you, and this soul can use your help. Use the power of your mind to help him relax. Send him loving energy. You'll see.”

  I decided to give it another try. Hanging back, I tried to project soothing, calming thoughts that everything would be all right. To my surprise, after two or three minutes, his thoughts began to slow, his terror subsiding. When he had calmed down a bit, I tried probing his mind to see if I could make sense of his dilemma.

  Slowly the details began to emerge. This poor soul had somehow made it to shore after their boat capsized and sank, but his wife remained in the lake. Unable to swim, he was terrified of water. Frantically crawling on his hands and knees at the edge of the lake, he had screamed in horror and disbelief. He wanted desperately to dive back in to save her, but found himself frozen with dread. His fear was simply too great. Not realizing that he had actually drowned without making it to shore in his physical body, he now sat trapped in the horror of his own reality. He was already in his spirit body, but because of his dilemma he could not escape the confines of his own illusion.

  How could I get him to realize that he was dead? I wondered if I could somehow get him to float into the air with me. Perhaps if he saw his own body he would realize the truth. Not sure of anything, I decided to play it by ear. Summoning up my courage, I took a couple of steps forward and called his name. “Randy.” There was no response. I repeated my call, this time a bit louder. “Randy, can you hear me?” Suddenly, jerking his head in my direction, he looked up at me with wild eyes, screaming.

  “My wife! She's in the water. Please help her. I can't swim!”

  Shaken by his outburst, I tried to remain calm. “She's okay, Randy,” I stuttered. “Marlene is . . . she's just fine.” My own words surprised me. Where had her name come from? How did I know it?

  “What do you mean, she's okay?” He stammered, wide-eyed, disbelieving.

  “She's okay, Randy. She made it out of the water and went to get help.”

  “She's okay? How did she do that? I didn't see her.”

  “She's just fine, Randy. You might have been unconscious for a while and didn't see her. Marlene is just fine, but right now we're more concerned about you.”

  “Oh God, thank you God,” he wailed. “I thought I'd lost her. Thank you. Thank you.” Staggering to his feet, he hugged me. I gently patted his back, thinking to myself, Well, that wasn't too bad. Now how the hell am I going to tell him he's dead?

  “Where's Marlene?” Randy asked as he stepped back from the embrace. “God, I can't believe she's okay. She's not hurt or anything, is she?”

  “No,” I said, wondering how I was going to get out of the hole I was digging. “She's okay, but now you're the one we need to help.”

  “Me? I'm okay. There's nothing wrong with me.”

  Now what would I tell him? I began to grope for the right words. Would mere words be enough to convince him that he was now in the spirit world? Not likely.

  “Show him his body.” The sound of Meldor's voice filtered into my mind carrying with it images of looking down at the two bodies from above the water. I wasn't quite sure how to pull it off, but decided to give it a try.

  “When our bodies die, Randy, we may not even notice the difference for a while. It might seem like we're just our normal selves, but there is a difference; we can do things we couldn't possibly do if we were still in our bodies.”

  Randy's eyes widened and a sort of disbelieving “Say what?” expression came over his face.

  Haven't you noticed anything different since you got out of the water?” I asked. “Don't you feel a bit strange and tingly, a little lighter?”

  “Aaah, no, not really.” His incredulous look said it all. Knitting his brows, he looked me in the eyes and in an agitated voice retorted, “What the hell! Of course I feel a bit tingly. I just about drowned, for Christ's sake.”

  Trying to soften my demeanor and wishing I had used a different tack, I continued. “What would you think, Randy, if I told you that you did drown?”

  “What... then, how the hell could I be standing here talking to you?”

  I needed to somehow get the message across without further upsetting him. I had an idea. “I'm sorry, Randy, I didn't mean to upset you,” I said. And in a conciliatory gesture I reached out to shake his hand. His features softened as he tentatively accepted my offer. In that moment I begged Meldor to help me out. Projecting every ounce of energy I could muster into the connection between our hands, my hope was to try to boost his vibrations beyond the physical field that limited his perception. The flow was powerful and instantaneous.

  It hit him with such force that he appeared stunned. His eyes widened. For a moment he hesitated, trying to pull away, but I maintained my grip. Then all hell broke loose! To my surprise, I began to rise slowly into the air. Disbelief spread across Randy's face as he too started lifting off the sand. Stretching his toes, he tried desperately to reach back down to the beach, but we continued our slow ascent. As we approached a height of about eight feet, he desperately threw his left arm around my neck, hanging on for dear life. I had no idea what to expect next, but I knew one thing for sure: Meldor had taken charge of this operation.

  Leveling off at around 12 feet, I tried to calm my racing thoughts. Still clinging to me tightly, Randy seemed to be taking my cue, and I could feel his stress begin to subside. As we began to slowly float out over the water, he looked around in amazement. When we were finally in position overlooking the two bodies, our movement stopped. Releasing my grip on Randy's right hand, I directed his attention towards his own limp remains. He looked down, and upon seeing the body he flinched, tightening his grip around my neck. With intense curiosity, he continued to stare at hi
s corpse until a look of sheer amazement spread across his face. Finally recognizing it as his own, a tremor rolled through him. And then, ever so slowly, his vibrations seemed to change. Without diverting his gaze he began to speak in low subdued tones.

  “I didn't know. This is so strange. I feel perfectly fine, but that's my body. I guess I don't really need it.” He then turned his head, looked up at me and asked, “Who are you?”

  A feeling of relief and compassion came over me. “Just a friend,” I whispered. “I came to help you to the Other Side.”

  Perhaps without even realizing it, Randy released his grip, floating freely in the air beside me.

  I knew the next step might be a bit more painful for him, but I wanted him to understand that his wife would be waiting for him on the Other Side. I pointed again to the water, but this time towards the woman's body floating about 50 feet away.

  His eyes followed my direction. “Oh no! Marlene. It's Marlene,” he sobbed. “But you said she was okay.”

  “But she is okay, Randy. She's never been better. She just went on ahead of you. If you want, just take my hand and I'll try to take you to her.” Without hesitation he reached out, gripping my left hand with his right.

  The moment of truth was approaching. Nervously, I closed my eyes to send a quiet thought-message. “OK, Meldor, it's up to you. Please take us where we need to be.”

  A rush of energy swept through me. My consciousness plummeted, and everything began to turn black. Seconds later we emerged through what seemed like a dense mist into the warmth and brightness of the Park.

  The power of the place was stupefying. For a moment Randy tried to shield his eyes from the tremendous light, but quickly realized that it wasn't necessary. Dropping his hand, he let out a whistled exclamation as he drank in the beauty of the surroundings. Soon, our attention was drawn to the sound of someone approaching. On a pathway just to the left of us appeared a dark-haired woman beaming with light and happiness.

  “Mar?” Randy could hardly believe his eyes. “Oh Jesus, Mar. You're okay!” He bolted down the path to embrace his happy wife.

  This was one of the most wonderful and rewarding encounters I had ever experienced. I felt blessed and honored to be able to help another soul in this way. Breathing a quiet thank you to God, I felt the warmth of Meldor's voice in my mind.

  “A wonderful feeling, isn't it? You've done well. We're very grateful for your assistance with this soul, but it's now time to return to your body. You'll need to become a bit more grounded and rested before our next journey. As always, we are with you.”

  Suddenly dizzy, I seemed to lose consciousness. A moment later I was back in my body.

  The rest of the day flew by. Although we followed up with two more sessions, I just couldn't get my mind into it. When I did manage to stay awake, my thoughts kept returning to the previous experiences. Meldor was right. I needed grounding, some physical activity to take the psychic edge off my vitality. Heading outdoors, I ran the half-mile trail to a small lake. There, the Institute kept a couple of canoes for participants' use. I crawled into one and paddled hard around the pond before returning. The sweating and hard work did the trick. My body and my mind were once again attached to the Earth.

  After a good night's sleep, I was ready for another adventure in the spirit realm. Soon into the first session, I made contact with Meldor. Now that I had a bit of experience helping lost souls, he indicated that he would leave me more on my own. He felt confident I'd be able to handle almost any situation, but assured me he would still be there if I needed assistance. All I had to do was ask.

  The Hemi-Sync frequencies carried me quickly to the Park. Once there, I was immediately approached by a wonderful, loving spirit who'd been trying to break through to a soul trapped in her country garden. It was the elderly woman I had seen a couple of days earlier.

  This time the transition to the necessary level of consciousness was quick and direct. After only a moment I found myself floating in the air directly above the elderly woman. She lay on her side on a well-worn garden path. Beets and tomatoes she had been carrying remained strewn across the path. Although I knew there was no connection, she reminded me of my grandmother.

  There didn't seem to be a lot of trauma surrounding the woman's death, and I wondered why she'd become trapped. Her guide told me her name was Maria. He explained that throughout her life, she had maintained an inordinate sense of duty to her husband. In addition, she had never believed in God or any kind of afterlife. Her rigid belief, or lack thereof, dictated that when someone died, that was it. There was nothing more. So, refusing to accept existence beyond the body, when Maria died, she was unable move on. Thus for her, time stood still.

  As her guide telepathically communicated these messages to me, I wondered how long she had been caught in her own time warp. The crude construction of the cabin, along with the apparent absence of any utilities or even roads, suggested that her death must have occurred many years earlier. I was wondering what year it might have been, when the voice of her guide popped into my mind: “1853.”

  Unbelievable! More than 140 years had passed in the physical world since this poor soul had become locked in her illusory reality. Her guide, however, assured me that it was not nearly as bad as it seemed. Our perception of time didn't exist on the Other Side. In her mind, very little time had passed.

  I began to consider the possibility that this particular soul might be tougher to get through to than I had at first imagined. Convincing her that she was dead might not be so easy. Asking Meldor for assistance, I immediately felt him contributing to my thought process. With his guidance, I decided to try something that might be in opposition to her beliefs.

  I floated down near the woman to a position about three feet off the ground. Seeking to determine her state of mind, I focused my attention on her thoughts. To my surprise, I found she was almost frozen with fear. Terrified of her husband, Maria knew he would be very angry if his lunch wasn't ready by the time he got home. She had long ago convinced herself that Herbert was a good, hardworking man, and it was her duty to see that he was happy. If he wasn't, it would always somehow be her fault.

  Even more significant to the present moment was her fear of dying. She did not want to cease to exist. For several weeks before she died she had felt increasingly strong pains in her chest that began whenever she worked too hard or became upset. She hadn't said anything about it to Herbert. Now, even though the severe pains had passed, she was perplexed and upset that she couldn't get up. It became clear to me that she had died of a heart attack. Her fear of both living and dying had locked her into her illusion.

  From my position, hovering a few feet above the ground, I softly called her name. “Maria.”

  She lifted her head in my direction, but said nothing. Through squinting eyes, she appeared to be trying to make out what she was seeing. After a few seconds she finally responded, “What do you want?” Her voice revealed a strong Polish or Ukrainian accent.

  “I came to help you, Maria. Everything will be all right.” I said.

  “But I just can't get up,” she replied.

  “Sure you can, Maria. You can get up. All you have to do is take my hand, and I'll help you.”

  “But you're not even touching the ground. How can you do that?” She asked suspiciously. “Who are you? Are you an angel?”

  “No, Maria. I'm not an angel.” I said softly, “But I can help to take you to Heaven.”

  “Heaven, there's no such thing,” she argued.

  “It doesn't matter if you believe in Heaven or not, Maria. It still exists, and it is real. You didn't believe what the Bible said, but it's true. You remember the pains in your chest? You knew there was something wrong with your heart, didn't you? Well, now your body has died. You can leave it behind and go to Heaven. All you have to do is take my hand.”

  I floated down to the ground beside her. As if testing the reality of what she was seeing, Maria closed her eyes and shook her head. Wh
en she reopened them and saw that I was still there, she let out a sigh of resignation and slowly reached for my hand. Grasping her arm, I gently guided her to her feet. Although she didn't realize it, in her energy body, she was virtually weightless.

  A look of relief and amazement spread across her face. She was finally ready to leave. Holding her hand, I focused my thoughts on her spirit guide, asking for assistance. Almost instantly, a vibration surged through my body like a high-voltage transformer. I felt a shift in consciousness, and in less than a heartbeat, we were standing in the beautiful green grass of the Park.

  Maria's eyes widened. Overwhelmed by the beauty and power of the place, she mumbled in disbelief. There was hardly time for a quick look around as her attention was drawn to a group of people approaching on a small pathway beside us. Tears of joy rolled from her eyes as her two children, her mother, and her husband welcomed her home.

  An emotional moment for me as well, I felt a lump building in my throat, and decided it was time to leave. Sensing my thoughts, Maria's guide expressed his gratitude with a wonderful parting gift. Placing the palm of his right hand flat on my chest, he closed his eyes in concentration. A moment later, like someone had opened a tap, my body was flooded with a radiating energy. I closed my eyes to more fully enjoy the exhilarating vibrations. The force began to swirl and expand throughout my chest. It felt like my heart was about to burst. Wonderfully dizzy, my consciousness began to slip. Soon everything turned to black, and the next thing I knew, I was back in my body.

  Elated, I got up and headed out into the morning sun. The energy infusion had been so powerful, I felt like I could take on the world. Grateful for the tremendous opportunity for spiritual growth, I offered a quiet prayer of thanks.

  The last day of the program was eventful and emotional. I had been having the best results during the morning sessions, and this morning would not be a disappointment.

  Within minutes of the session's start, I floated quickly through the levels of consciousness. Meldor's familiar vibration accompanied me as we began to move into the spirit planes. By the time we reached the area of the lost souls, we were joined by a bright and intensely focused being. There was something new and different about this guide. Though I caught only glimpses of it, it didn't seem to have a physical form at all. Instead, it appeared only as a bright, vibrating oval of light. Even without a physical shape, this entity seemed to project a powerful feminine energy.