Eyes of an Angel Read online

Page 18

The whole room was bathed in a soft, warm light. Against an adjacent wall stood a standard hospital-type bed, made up in soft white linens. A couple of white chairs had been placed on either side of the bed. What struck me as odd, though, was the absence of any medical equipment. But when I thought about it, it seemed reasonable. There was no need for medical equipment here. There were no physical bodies to heal. Hospitals in this realm served only to provide a comfortable transition for those souls who may have died in an earthly hospital environment. This was a natural, peaceful place for newly arrived souls to restore their energy until they were reoriented to the Other Side.

  On the right side of the bed, a vase filled with beautiful flowers adorned a small round table. Exotic and vibrant, the flowers filled the room with a wonderful fragrance. Enthralled by their form and texture, I carefully examined several of them. They were like nothing I had seen before.

  A warm breeze drew my attention to a large, partially opened window. Moving across the floor, I peered out. Immediately outside the room was a beautiful garden overflowing with flowers and plants so vibrantly colorful they defied description. The plot extended for what seemed like hundreds of yards, finally giving way to the rich green grass of a large valley. A small blue stream meandered through the gorge into a background of bright green forest crowned with snow-covered mountain peaks. I knew this had to be an area of the Park.

  With a sigh of appreciation, I finally withdrew from the window and turned back into the room. I could certainly understand how wonderful and peaceful it would be to wake up in this environment.

  I wondered about the rest of the building, and whether there might be other buildings in the area. Heading for the doorway, I felt a swirl of energy as I passed through the opening. A moment later I was standing in a beautiful, high-walled, cathedral-style building.

  It was massive. At first impression, it seemed like a cathedral, but it was different from any church I remembered. “Remembered” was the key word. As I stood, absorbing the images, a distinct feeling of recognition came over me. I had definitely been there before. Intuitively I knew that this structure was for revitalizing and tuning soul energy.

  Although enclosed by high, sturdy, perimeter walls, there didn't appear to be a ceiling over the main structure. Throughout the long, open, marble corridors there were an inestimable number of pillared structures looking a lot like tall gazebos. Approximately 12 feet in diameter and 20 feet high, they consisted of six marble pillars placed in a circle, supporting a beautiful domed ceiling.

  The center of each dome contained a massive multifaceted crystal at its peak. Having the appearance of a perfectly cut diamond, each one was at least four feet in diameter. In the shape of a child's toy top, they had been set upside-down into the roof structure. The crystal peaks protruded through the tops of the domes, while their convex bottoms formed the center of the inner ceiling. The crystals, or whatever they were, were dazzling. Every one of the hundreds of facets seemed to reflect a different color and vibration. On the floor directly below each crystal stood a large round bed, about two feet high and eight feet in diameter.

  From my position about 20 feet from one of these structures, I noticed three spirits approaching. A middle-aged man and woman seemed to be giving instructions to a younger man of about 20. I watched intentiy as the youth, dressed in blue jeans and t-shirt, crawled to the center of the bed and lay down. I could sense his uncertainty as he cautiously prayed to God for healing energy and then nervously prepared himself to receive. Within moments, a dazzling field of shimmering, multicolored energy cascaded from the crystal, flooding the area below, permeating his body.

  With a look of surprise and relief the young man appeared nearly overwhelmed in the bliss of the experience. So intense was the energy infusion, that after a minute or so in ecstasy he floated off the bed. His body began to shimmer and fade from view until only an energy outline remained. Within the form of his now translucent body I began to notice a row of bright, glowing spheres of light. About the size of tennis balls, they seemed to radiate a swirling power. Could these be the chakras, I wondered? Were these the energy centers that are supposedly contained in every living body? Ever so slowly, the luminous orbs continued to intensify and expand until they finally enveloped each other, becoming a single, glowing oval of energy.

  The entire spectacle was mesmerizing. The beam from the crystal had begun a process of shirting colors and intensity. Every thirty seconds or so it would blend from one color to another until it had gone through every hue of the rainbow. Finally, having made its way through the color spectrum, the beam subsided, softening to a warm golden hue. The young man's body, now a radiant sphere of energy, slowly descended to the bed below.

  I had been so engrossed in the scene that I hadn't noticed that the middle-aged couple had left. I glanced around but couldn't see them anywhere.

  With the process apparently now complete, the crystal energy began to fade and then disappear. The rejuvenated soul lifted off the bed and floated gently to the marble floor. As he landed, he was joined by two other light-beings who appeared out of nowhere. A moment later, all three vanished.

  Fascinated, I wanted badly to give the crystal a try. However, not being so sure of the effects it might have on someone still occupying a physical body, I decided to let it go for the time being. Perhaps, I thought, Meldor might be able to advise me on it later.

  I had no idea how much time had passed back in the physical world. I remembered that I had removed my headphones, so there was no way to know if the session was over. I decided I'd better get back into my body, and a moment later I was.

  The speakers were silent. The session had ended. I got up, made a few notes in my journal and headed downstairs. The debriefing session had long since broken up. Most of my fellow explorers were already gathering for dinner.

  As the last day of the program wound down, a group of us had been discussing the various forms of communication employed on the Other Side. I had already experienced several of these methods. When I first met my guides, it seemed that our conversation was completely normal in the physical sense. Their lips moved, and I heard their voices just as I would in everyday conversation. I have since learned, however, that the sound of their voices was perceived only in my mind.

  I had also experienced the speedier process of communicating by thought transference alone. I simply projected my questions or comments and received a telepathic response, hearing and feeling the other person's thoughts in my mind.

  The most powerful means of communication, though, was the method my mother had shown me. I heard, felt, and saw everything she had experienced. It was a process of thought transference containing a great deal of information all at once. Robert Monroe referred to this type of telepathic communication as a “rote” or a “thought ball.”

  It seemed to me, however, that I still had some major unanswered questions regarding communication in the spirit realm. Knowing that people of all cultures and languages were able to communicate on the Other Side, I wondered about the process that allows for this apparent translation of languages. I was aware that whenever I thought about something, my thoughts were in English. But, there had to be thousands of different languages and dialects on our planet alone. How, for example, could a Spanish-speaking spirit understand what I was talking about? I resolved that the next time I connected with Meldor, I would ask him.

  As we settled in for our final session of the week, I hoped to connect with my guide. Within just a few minutes, my racing mind had dropped through the threshold of normal consciousness into a peaceful altered state. Projecting a mental message to Meldor, I asked him to join me, and then waited. Several minutes passed. I repeated the message a number of times, but still there was nothing but darkness. Quickly becoming bored, I found myself drifting towards sleep. All of a sudden, a loud commanding voice startled me into awareness. “Go deeper!” It was Meldor.

  I concentrated again on following the Hemi-Sync signals into a lower level
of consciousness. But it felt like I was already in synch with the frequency, and it was at its maximum. How could I go deeper? The only solution, I thought, was to leave it in Meldor's hands. Carefully, I turned off the headphones and relaxed into the silence.

  Minutes passed, and ever so gently I started to feel an unfamiliar energy building within me. Soon, I began to experience a duality of sorts. Still acutely aware of being in my body, I felt as if I was experiencing myself in an abstract manner from another place or dimension. Brief flashes of images and colors began to pierce my awareness, too brief, however, for me to make any sense of them. I could feel my energy changing, evolving to something I had never before experienced. I knew I was entering a new field of consciousness.

  “In order to provide meaningful answers to your questions,” Meldor's voice jolted me to attention, “my assistants and I have decided to bring your perception to a higher level than you are accustomed to. It is from this perspective, while your consciousness is still within your physical body, that we hope to be able to explain and show you the sometimes difficult-to-understand concepts of all-knowing awareness.

  “As we have relayed to you previously, the energy of all consciousness is connected. Separateness is merely an illusion of the human experience. In the higher realms, there are no barriers to the communication of sentient consciousness. From infinite collections of like-minded souls, through numerous levels of expanded awareness, to the ultimate level of God-Realized beings, the energy of thought is the same for all.

  “At its purest level, thought is merely directed conceptual emotion. Interpretation or translation is not necessary because in the spirit realms it is universal and automatic. In as much as the principals of mathematics are universal and applicable to all matter and energy, so too is the relationship of consciousness between sentient beings. Pure communication is, in a sense, an expression of the mathematics of conscious awareness.”

  Meldor's words burnt into my mind, but I wasn't at all sure that I understood their meaning. In my physical world, I was far from academically astute, and when it came to mathematics—I had spent my entire life severely handicapped. Engrossed in Meldor's dissertation, I lacked the presence of mind to ask a question or to even respond. I knew this was important information, but I could only hope to remember half of it when I returned to physical awareness.

  “The communication of consciousness,” Meldor continued, “in its more universal application, is the creative expression of the energy of light and the vibration of sound. It is pure energy, and therefore embodies the elements of wave and frequency. Through these constant principles, beings of all planets and universes are able to communicate at higher levels without confusion. We are all connected and related to each other.”

  The realization of what Meldor was saying gripped my attention like a vice. Had I heard right? Had he actually said there were intelligent beings on other planets and universes? I didn't have to phrase the question; Meldor had picked up my thoughts.

  “Most certainly,” he responded. “There are infinitely more sentient beings throughout the cosmos than your world can even imagine. But, as we have discussed before, we are all part of the same collective consciousness.”

  My mind raced with the possibilities. I'm not sure why this was having such a profound effect on me. I had always believed there had to be other intelligent beings in our universe. But now Meldor's confirmation made it all the more plausible and real. Trying to put this all together in my mind, it occurred to me that if all beings throughout the cosmos were part of the collective consciousness, then I should be changing my perception of God to an infinitely more awesome power. Again, Meldor knew my thoughts and responded.

  “The power of The All is beyond ordinary comprehension or imagination. Only God-Realized beings can truly know the magnitude of the massive collective energy that is The All.”

  Getting back to his original message, Meldor continued. “Although, in your present state you may not fully grasp the potential or complexity of this higher form of communication, we feel that you may benefit from a new experience.”

  Until this point, I had been in darkness, earnestly listening to Meldor's words. But now, a small, single point of blue light appeared in the upper left hand corner of the dark space in front of me. As I watched, the speck of light began to oscillate and started moving across my field of vision towards the right. Like a fine laser, it flowed in a slow wave motion, tracing its path with a continuous trail of light. Soon, a purple beam appeared just below the first, beginning its flowing journey across the darkness. Almost immediately, the two lasers were joined by one after another, each a different color, until the space before me was filled with wave upon wave of beautiful, oscillating colors.

  As I watched in fascination, the whole thing started over again at the top, working its way down. But this time each wave of color came accompanied by a sound, a distinct pure tone. Every color vibrated its own tone. In increasing succession, wave after wave of light and sound were flawlessly added to the mixture, every tone in harmony with the previous one.

  To my increasing delight, each tone seemed to elicit a different feeling and vibration in my body. Within moments, the area around me was filled with a gyrating spectacle of light, sound, and vibration. As I grew more absorbed, it increased in complexity and richness. Before long it had built into a living symphony for the senses. For some reason I couldn't help thinking about the spaceship communication scene from Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

  I had no idea what it all meant or why it was affecting me so dramatically. I felt like I was riding on an emotional roller coaster. Depending on the color, sound, and speed at which it moved I could be carried from absolute joy to deep emotional sadness. As I delighted in flowing with the vibrations, colors, and emotions, time passed unnoticed, until the montage came to an abrupt stop and I found myself in the silent darkness of my CHEC unit. Meldor was gone. The vibrations were gone. The session had ended.

  I lay in my bunk for at least another twenty minutes, going over the things I had seen and heard. It had been another remarkable week. I had learned a great deal more about who we are and where we came from. Silently, I offered a prayer of thanks for the wonderful gifts I had been given. And I thanked Meldor for his love and guidance.

  The trip home was long and uneventful, but it gave me time to contemplate the new knowledge I'd absorbed. More importantly, it gave me time to wind down my energy before I plunged back into the demanding world of business and politics.

  When I finally arrived home, Candace and I sat at our kitchen table as I filled her in on the great experiences I'd had. Listening intently, she eagerly asked questions while I recalled the significant events. I almost forgot to mention, though, that I had zipped home one day while out-of-body and watched a boy I thought was Dave heading into the school. I allowed however, that it might not have been Dave because this kid was wearing a weird-colored jacket I hadn't seen before.

  With an incredulous look on her face, Candace asked what the jacket looked like. I described it as best I could. Without saying a word, she abruptly got up from the table and left the room. A few moments later she reappeared from the back closet carrying a jacket. “Is this it?” she asked. I didn't have to say a word; the look on my face said it all. Without a doubt it was the same ugly jacket. Shaking her head in amazement she added, “We bought it while you were gone.”


  Our journey Together

  The message comes from Heaven clear

  His wrath was never lent to fear

  You see, God has only love to give

  It's man distorts the way we live

  Some of the strangest mysteries in life are oftentimes those fleeting, innocuous synchronicities that seem to be just beyond our grasp and understanding. For example, how is it that we may be meeting someone for the first time, yet feel as though we had known him or her before? Isn't it odd how, on occasion, we can be instantly attracted to some people and inexplicabl
y repulsed by others? Could it be that we have, in fact, known them before, in another time and place?

  Like most everyone else, I occasionally noticed these anomalies, but usually didn't give them more than a passing thought. Given what I have learned about the reality of reincarnation, these intuitive recognitions of other people now make a lot more sense. If most of us have lived hundreds of lives, chances are we'll run into people we've known previously, some who have affected us positively and others negatively. Although I was gaining a clearer understanding of how things really worked, my next contact with Meldor would open my mind to the intriguing realities of the tremendous support group we all have on the Other Side.

  Several weeks following my return from Virginia, I had gone to bed earlier than usual to get a good rest before an intense series of meetings the following day. As I approached the borderland of sleep, a distinct popping sound captured my attention. I could feel the presence of someone else in the room. Expecting to see my wife sleepily trudging to the bathroom, when I opened my eyes, I was surprised to see Meldor floating quietly beside the bed. Sitting with his legs crossed lotus style, he was hovering about three feet off the floor, looking like the Dalai Lama in meditation. Intrigued, I watched in silence as he continued to hover without opening his eyes or saying a word. After a couple of long minutes, I could no longer stand the suspense. I had to find out what he was doing.

  “Pssst, Meldor,” I whispered. “What are you doing?”

  Opening one eye, he looked at me briefly and then closed it again. Another few moments passed. Then, as if resigned to the interruption, he sighed and opened his eyes. A smile spread across his face.

  “Just floated in for a visit,” he whispered. “I haven't heard from you in a while, and there are some things I want to share with you.”

  “That's great,” I whispered back. “I'm really happy to see you, but I can't visit for too long. I have to get some sleep. Tomorrow's a busy day.”