Eyes of an Angel Read online

Page 25

  Candace told me it was the clearest, most powerful dream she had ever had, but admitted she didn't know what to make of it. Never before had she experienced what she felt was direct contact with the spirit world. She joked about the possibility that all three of us could have known each other in previous lives. For my part, I felt strangely uncomfortable with the idea. I swept the notion aside. “It was just a dream,” I said. “I wouldn't read too much into it.” Dreams, I argued, were mostly symbolic. There could be any number of interpretations for what the subconscious mind is experiencing.

  Candace, however, wasn't so quick to write it off. She explained that the dream hadn't taken place in any of the homes we had ever lived in. This one was a very large two or three story home similar to those she had seen in movies of the old South. She sensed that we had employed a number of servants in a plantation-type setting. Although she wasn't sure how to interpret it, she felt the dream was too vivid to ignore.

  A couple of weeks later, Candace surprised me by announcing that she wanted to attend a program at The Monroe Institute. We had talked about it before. Although she always felt it would be a good experience, she was waiting for the right time. Now she was ready to give it a try.

  Delighted with her decision, I knew that she would have a wonderful time. Hopefully, she could experience firsthand some of the things I had shared with her. When the day finally arrived, it was hard to tell who was more excited, Candace or me.

  For me, the week seemed to drag on forever, but when she finally got home, Candace's eyes were beaming with wonder and excitement. We spent hours talking about the life-changing insights and revelations she had experienced. But there was something that she particularly wanted to tell me. She had shared the story of the soul mate connection between Patricia and me with a couple of the other participants. One of them had done a lot of past-life work, and seemed to possess a remarkable psychic ability. She told him about her unsettling dream, and asked if it was at all possible that she and Patricia had met in a previous lifetime.

  Closing his eyes to contemplate, he replied, “Yes, definitely!” He went on to suggest that the three of us had actually been involved with each other over several lifetimes. His guidance told him that in their most recent connection, Candace and Patricia had in fact been brothers. A serious rift had developed between the two of them, and Candace had supposedly treated Patricia very badly-during their last time together.

  I'm not sure if I was more surprised or amused by the revelation, but I confess to not giving it any serious consideration. It seemed all too contrived, and I brushed it off as absurd. Although I had visited a few psychics over the years, none of them had impressed me. I surmised that this guy was just blowing smoke. The whole notion was a bit too much of a stretch. “Well, you can think what you want,” Candace smiled, “but I think there might be something to it.”

  My life continued as always: busy, busy, busy. By now, I was becoming accustomed to the strange anomalies and revelations being delivered to me on a regular basis. Sometimes it felt like I was being guided through a specific curriculum. Lessons were laid out for me, but only when I was ready to accept them.

  Other than my obsession with reading, the only other pastime I enjoyed was watching movies. I love the big screen and the surround-sound stereo. On one occasion, Candace and I were engrossed in Kevin Costner's movie Message in a Bottle. Near the end, there is a particularly dramatic scene in which Costner leaps into the raging sea to save a drowning woman. At the time, I had no idea why it was having such a powerful effect on me, but well before the fateful moment, I found myself becoming emotional. My heart began to pound, and I grew anxious.

  Trying to get a grip on my emotions, I closed my eyes. I felt a shift in my perception, and in an instant I was in a small boat caught in the midst of a tremendous storm. In horror I watched as a huge wave slammed over the bow, snatching a young woman off her feet, sweeping her overboard into the dark churning waters. Terrified, I screamed her name, “Yoshi!” and dove into the water after her. The next thing I knew, I was beneath the waves fighting for air. Then as quickly as it had begun, I was transported back to my theatre seat, tears streaming down my face.

  The rest of the movie was a blur. Sitting in shock, I knew without doubt that I had been shown yet another scene from a previous lifetime. All of it seemed so real. But what was most surprising was my intuition that the young woman I had tried to save was in this lifetime my daughter, Stacey.

  Replaying the scene in my mind, I was puzzled by the questions it raised. Especially unclear was the nature of our relationship in that lifetime. The fact that Stacey is now my daughter only served to confuse the possible scenarios. She could have been my daughter, or maybe even my wife; I didn't have a clear sense of it. I knew only that she had been precious to me. The one detail that was clear, however, was the distinct feeling that we were Asian.

  Over the next few days, the past-life episode was often on my mind. Although I tried several times to connect with my spirit guides for clarification, all of my attempts were unsuccessful. Three days later, I awoke from a fleeting dream that involved both Stacey and Patricia. Although I recalled very little detail, it awakened my mind to a new concept. Since Patricia and I were connected through our souls' energy, and Stacey and I had shared previous lives, was it possible that Stacey and Patricia had also shared past lives? I got out of bed with the conviction that this was a very real possibility.

  By the time winter had tightened its icy grip on the prairies, Candace and I were looking for a break. We had friends in Calgary, Alberta, and we needed a change of scenery. Our friends had told us about an excellent Tarot reader named Janine, encouraging us to see her. Although we knew nothing about Tarot, just for fun, we decided to give it a try.

  Janine worked out of a small room in the back of a downtown bookstore. She blew away every doubt or suspicion I harbored about professional psychics. It was the most accurate reading I had ever witnessed. Neither vague nor generalized, she effortlessly nailed down every aspect of my physical and spiritual life.

  To give her a good run for my money, I decided to remain tight-lipped throughout the session. As we sat down to begin, I supplied only my first name and date of birth. Janine shuffled the oversized cards, asked me to cut the deck, and then laid them out in an organized spread across the table. A tape recorder captured every word:

  Janine: Okay, in Chinese, that's the Year of the Rabbit. So, we can combine that, Gemini, and the rabbit. Those are very similar. It's like being a double Gemini. Do you use a lot of verbalization in your work?

  Paul: Yes, I suppose so.

  J: And what about writing? Because, I feel that you definitely came here to communicate ideas through writing. It feels like you're full of ideas, and you need to be writing.

  P: That's possible.

  J: There's something going through a big birthing here, well, like yourself, your own energy. It's very emotional. And it's a spiritual thing ... can you feel it coming? Like you're really changing?

  P: Yes, I think so.

  J: Well, it's going to continue. Okay, and there's a huge healing going on around the ego self. There is a sense of healing. Are you headed in the direction of doing some healing yourself, or in healing others?

  P: Sometimes healing others, yes, and myself.

  J: Are you working in a community right now? Is it a spiritual community or are we talking of a physical world community? There's definitely a sense of bringing people together, being a liaison even. Like you're a politician or diplomat in the work you do. You are a Gemini trying to integrate your male and female parts in this lifetime, and really work with those energies in a combined effort.

  I was floored. Could this Tarot reader be intuiting the emotional changes that had been taking place in my life? She had even correctly identified that I was a politician. Could she be picking up on the energy work my angels had initiated to bring me into balance with female energies?

  P: That's certainly
true. I've been dealt some things recentiy.

  J: It seems like you're really integrating, though, and you end up putting into your work in the world that sense of integration, wherever it works for you.

  Okay, I keep getting that this is a real healer card here. It's like the healer in you, mentally, coming up. There's a gift here that you're maybe just beginning to use; are you doing anything like hands-on healing or Reiki or anything?

  P: Yes. I'm trained in Reiki. [Several years earlier, I had taken classes in Reiki energy healing.]

  J: I get that you have quite a gift and it's necessary to use it more often. This is a healing gift that wants to come out, and it's the more feminine part of you, most certainly. It's like goddess energy, and it's mental and verbal too.

  Okay, now I'm getting a victory around a youth. This is a big, positive, trophy card. This could be about childhood issues. Did you just work through a really big childhood issue?

  I thought of the repressed childhood memory of the puppies. I could hardly believe what I was hearing.

  J: Because I get that you've come to a personal victory with some part of yourself as a young person. There is also a big unconditional love card here, and I'm picking up that you've really come to a place of loving yourself. It's not only about loving yourself, but it's going to help you to also love others. This is really nice.

  Now, I get a sense of patience, and deep roots in a relationship that, down the road, will grow great harvest. And the more you do your own personal healing work, the more your relationship with another very specific person will grow because of the work you're doing. I get more independence emotionally, but I'm not getting the ending of a relationship; I'm getting a rebirthing or something. Is there a new relationship, or could this be a rekindling of an old one, because this is so much like roots and birthing.

  P: I don't know. Perhaps both.

  J: There's beautiful stuff going on there, and I get a fruitful relationship, and it's all because of your personal work, the integration with yourself. Relationships seem to be different, but they're becoming deeper or better.

  Okay, here I get a really big restructuring through communication. Have you had a big talk with somebody that first leveled them, and now there's a restructuring going on? Is that in one of your relationships? Almost like something shook up your world and caused you to restructure from the ground level and it's like you're in the process of doing that.

  P: Yes, that's very accurate.

  J: Only a Gemini could work that fast. You're working very fast at the restructuring. Some people take years and years. It might be a bit intense, though, a shock to the people who know you. Okay, now did you have a really incredible dream or vision recently?

  P: Yes, I've had many.

  J: Yeah, because it's like your dreams are really challenging you to move through fear-based ideas and really get in touch with what your fears are, so you can release the fear and get on with whatever it is you're doing. I get a lot of dreams or visions here; like you're a dream catcher right now and you're receiving a lot of messages through your dreams. It's karmic that this happens this way right now. It's all predestined. Not everything is; we create a lot of our own destiny, but for some reason there's an overriding energy right now of destiny around you.

  And there is also a big sense of vulnerability around you. It's almost in an intimate sense, somehow. There is a sense of you really being open. Are you feeling like you're open in an intimate way around people? It feels like you're opening up like you haven't in a long time. And you're really worried about it.

  P: Uh, yes. That's true.

  J: It's very healing, but it feels like you are very vulnerable at the same time. Your ego is worried that it's going to completely disappear in this process. But, I'm getting that you really heal through this and that your ego sense actually gets stronger in a more positive way. You will learn how to use it properly.

  You need to write. How much do you write now? Ever?

  P: No, not a lot. But I know that I should.

  J: I get that this could go back lifetimes. I get you bringing this from a place that you developed quite intensely in a past lifetime or something, and you could tap into that. And it could be public speaking, or working with the public in some way. I get like a lot of charisma and you talking to large groups. I don't know where your spiritual path is going, but this is very New Age, very healing, and [involves] working with groups.

  You will have, or have already had, a big revelation through dreams or some spiritual process. Now it is time to write or speak about it. It will come from your inner voice. You have quite a lot in store, but you've done this before. This is lifetimes of work. It is like the power of many others; it's like you'll be channeling stuff. It's like there's a whole stored up thing going on here that you can tap into.

  Your writing could really heal and shift a lot of that energy. You need more downtime to get that process happening. You will definitely publish something. It might take a whole year to accomplish this, but you will.

  Your emotions are sometimes high, and sometimes low, so take some cave time. You will get your shift and messages will come. There's some pure channeling going on here. It's already coming through, and it's going to really move you.

  Actually, I get communication on a worldwide scale. It's like an Aquarian card with a Pleiadian knowledge and influence; you are really tapping into it, and will end up being a channel for a very large body of energy that is universal. This is needed in the world, and it's very healing. And you seem to do it through written word, and verbally, or both.

  At this point Janine picked up the cards and reshuffled the deck. She had been extremely accurate in identifying so many of the changes taking place in my life. From the emotions of balancing male and female energies to identifying the spirit world's assistance in writing a future book, she was bang on.

  She finished shuffling the cards, placed the stack in front of me, and asked if I had any questions. At first I was still too shaken to think of anything, but then I thought of Patricia.

  P: This past summer I met a unique person at a seminar, and we seemed to have a very strong connection. Do you have a sense of what this meeting or relationship is all about?

  J: Okay, shuffle the cards and separate them into three piles and indicate with your left hand which pile to use.

  I pointed to one of the piles. Janine picked up the cards and spread them out.

  J: Wow, this is a very powerful feminine card here. I'm assuming it's a woman. She has a powerful energy. There is past life stuff going on here, and it's not bad stuff. She is someone who developed some big esoteric skills in a past life. She could just use them a lot more than she does. This is a very empowered person, with a very sensual energy.

  I get that you and she are in a place of healing. There is a sense of finding balance and patience. You are learning to meld and integrate your energies, and you'll be very successful at this healing. This person gives a very strong sense of Scorpio energy. She is very intense and emotional. Has she lived through some hard stuff?

  P: Uh, yes. Definitely.

  J: Everything she knows she learned the hard way. This is a survivor who has come into herself through a lot of hard work. But there is a sense of sadness or failure.

  This is a soul intention; one of you is a messenger to the other, or both to each other. Something is coming out that you both need to hear right now. There is a strong karmic reason why you're pulled together, which is part of your work here.

  This is all about integration. It's a very positive influence. This is definitely a soul mate. There is a sense of wholeness when you're together. The challenge, though, is in how to bring it into the world you've created so far.

  And this is a surrender card. Surrender to what you're feeling, and also let go of your doubting. But expect the unexpected. What is really going on, and what you both think is going on, may be really different here. I get that it's going to be really surprising and unexpec
ted how this manifests and fits into your life. But it's very good.

  I get that this person and you were meant to meet again to help each other quantum leap to where you're supposed to be. So there's a bit of bumping you forward, speeding up your process. I think it has a lot to do with physically manifesting a book. I don't know why, but this is about speaking and putting something down in written form. It's like she speeds up your process. You have definitely done lifetimes together with this person and were one and the same energy. This is definitely soul mate stuff here.

  Okay, we have time for another question.

  Janine again picked up the cards, shuffled them expertly and placed them in front of me. My mind was reeling. I could hardly think, but finally settled on asking her about the possibility of a previous relationship between Candace and Patricia. I still felt skeptical about a past life involving the two of them and I fully expected that Janine would put the whole thing to rest.

  P: Is there a possibility of a relationship in a previous lifetime between the person I recently met and my wife?

  With a surprised expression on her face, Janine looked up at me from her cards. Her words almost bowled me over.

  J: What about your daughter and this person?

  I could hardly believe what I had just heard. How could she know that I even had a daughter, much less my suspicions about a past-life connection between Stacey and Patricia? I finally managed an almost inaudible reply.

  P: Uh, quite possibly. I, uh, uh, suspected that there might be.

  J: Well, I get that this person certainly has been involved with your daughter. Now usually it's all intertwined, but let's have a look. Okay, now think about your wife and this woman. Cut the cards into three piles and indicate with your left hand, which pile to use.

  I quickly made my selection. Janine laid out the cards and began interpreting.