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Eyes of an Angel Page 27

  All of this, however, was easier said than done. In my busy life, it wasn't always easy to find the time to write, and often the circumstances were not ideal. Sometimes the words and information would flow. Other times I might sit and stare at the same paragraph for two hours.

  Eventually, I developed a bit of a routine. I found that my most productive sessions came when I first took the time to meditate and offer a prayer for help before I sat down to write. Strangely, I also discovered that my best effort was when I was physically tired or sleepy. I seemed to be able to make a better connection with my more creative side in the quiet of early morning. Consequently, I frequently found myself working through the night until dawn.

  The times when I did find myself connected to guidance were wonderful. Concepts and words would form in my mind faster than I could type. I regularly dropped into a deep altered state while sitting at my computer. It was in this profound, focused level of consciousness that my memories returned to life. When this happened, the detail of past events was startlingly clear. Sometimes I became so absorbed that time would simply disappear. Frequently moved to tears, I worked my way through the powerful emotions that accompanied my memories.

  Of particular significance, however, were the typing sessions recalling my many visits with Meldor. Often, in a trance, typing while practically unconscious, I would peck away until four or five in the morning before falling exhausted into bed. On my next return to the computer, I was repeatedly amazed at the words that appeared before me. Although I knew the messages well, the diction and words weren't mine; they were Meldor's.

  Overall, the experience of writing this book has been an adventure in itself—mystical, gratifying, and very healing.

  Now, as I near the end of my account, I am having difficulty finding the right words to convey how thankful I am for the wonderful lessons and blessings I've been given. There have been some tough times, and some great times, but I probably wouldn't change a minute of it. It's been a remarkable journey, an incredible education. But I have still so much to learn, so much more to experience.

  As never before, I have learned to love life and everything in it. Hardly a day passes in which I am not reminded of the power of the human spirit, and our relationship to God and to each other. We are not merely the bodies we occupy. We are pure indestructible energy. More powerful than we can even imagine, we—and all the things we experience—live forever. As so many others have discovered, there is but one thing, one essential element that binds everyone and everything together. And that is the power of love.

  Throughout my life, there has been one main revelation—the single most important message I have ever received—that puts it all into perspective. At the end of our lives, when our bodies finally release us back to the spirit world, it won't matter one little bit who won or who lost, or how rich or famous we became. The only thing that will truly matter is how we treated others along the way. That's the importance of love.

  Perhaps the toughest lesson of the human experience, the reality of love can sometimes be the most difficult to fully embrace. When we are caught up in the struggle for survival, when seemingly awful things happen to us or others around us, when we are hurt or annoyed by the things other people do, we must strive to see past our biggest fear—the human illusion of separation. There is no real separation. We are all one!

  We need only to try to remember, to look deeply within ourselves and within others to see the beauty of the unified soul that we all share with God.

  If there were any advice that I could offer, it would be this: Don't hold back! Love for all you're worth! That's what hearts are for. Having your heart broken a thousand times is still far better than not having loved at all. That would be the greatest tragedy.

  Life is a wonderful gift, so live it to the fullest. Take every single opportunity to hug someone. Take the time to hug your kids, your parents, your brothers and sisters, friends and even strangers. And take the time to look closely into their eyes. Perhaps, when you least expect it, you just might feel a fluttering sensation in your heart and a deep stirring within your soul. You might find yourself looking into the eyes of an angel.

  As for me, my journey continues with new experiences and revelations almost daily. Where it will take me, and where it will end, I have no idea. I do, however, know one thing for sure. Life is an addictive evolution of steps, lessons, and wonderful mysteries to solve. I can't even imagine how much more I need to learn. But I can hardly wait to find out.


  When I had completed the body of my book—even after several rewrites—I still had the feeling that something was missing. It needed something more. It occurred to me that I could, perhaps, insert a poem or some quotations at the beginning of each chapter like I'd seen done in other books. After a lengthy search, however, I was unable to find anything to my liking and was resigned to dropping the idea.

  Then, early one morning as I lay in bed drifting in and out of sleep, the following whispered words jolted me to attention: Through shaded eyes we view the world—Present, past, and future swirl. A chill ran up my spine. It was the unmistakable voice of one of my spirit guides giving me the first two lines of a poem.

  “Hey, that sounds wonderful,” I thought, repeating the words in my mind. “So what's the rest of it?”

  “The rest,” she whispered, “is up to you.” And her vibrations faded away.

  Immediately, a battle began to rage in my mind. What did I know about poetry? Throughout my life, I'd never tried to write poetry. It just wasn't me. This I knew would be an impossible task.

  Months passed and I continued my procrastination. Often I would roll those first two lines over in my mind, trying to assemble at least one complete stanza, but nothing ever seemed to fit. It was almost a year later when I awoke one morning from a dream in which my spirit guides had again chided me for not finishing the poem. Having the concept refreshed in my mind, the following night around ten o'clock, I finally sat down at my computer to give it a shot.

  What an exercise in frustration! Hour after hour went by as I sat staring at those first two lines, typing concoction after silly concoction onto the screen, then deleting it all and starting again. By 3 A.M. I had accomplished virtually nothing and was considering giving up and going to bed. But as I sat at my keyboard struggling to stay awake, I found myself dropping deeper and deeper into an altered state. Then, when it seemed that my brain had all but retired for the night, a new energy took control of my fingers—and a flood of words began. A short time later I crawled, zombie-like, into bed.

  When I finally awoke nine hours later, I couldn't believe the words stored in my computer. They weren't my words; they were theirs. But I am eternally grateful for having been honored as the messenger. From the hearts of Angels to your heart, this is their message.

  Eyes of an Angel

  Through shaded eyes we view the world

  Present, past, and future swirl

  Only fleeting glimpse there revealed

  The mysteries of life concealed

  Though evidence in abundance shouts

  Thoughts of creation are lined with doubt

  Life's grand design in darkness robed

  Hints of spirit left unprobed

  In days of science and truth unclear

  Man and religion fraught with fear

  Purpose and destiny remain obscured

  Life without meaning long endured

  Promises of paradise, and wonders to behold

  Man-made dogma, imposed upon the fold

  But in frightened hearts there flickers still

  Desire for truth that guilt can't kill

  So is it still by chance or sad intent

  Destruction looms with our consent

  While thoughts, the thief within our heads

  Leave us fearful in our beds?

  Then steadfast courage and honor bequest

  The hand of God we'll squarely test

  Until lust for battle be l
ost in the fray

  And restless spirit lights the way

  Though the stock of angels be divine

  Must we yet refuse to see the sign?

  Why is it only when troubles abound

  He finds us kneeling on the ground?

  When horrors plague our daily bread

  And grieving thoughts we cannot shed

  Is it then we pray our Lord to see?

  Shallow promises made in desperate plea

  Then comes an angel, eyes ablaze

  Heart secure and love unfazed

  A glimpse of what was meant to be

  Pure light upon reality

  And oh what joys will they evoke

  When God and angels first uncloak

  Life's greatest treasures gleaned at last

  Our hearts and souls in light are cast

  The message comes from Heaven clear

  His wrath was never lent to fear

  You see, God has only love to give

  It's man distorts the way we live

  But in angel eyes love grows complete

  While strong hands tremble in defeat

  The truth of God is soon revealed

  It's through our hearts that we are healed

  And now in slumber's sweet delight

  Dream angels carry us inflight

  When there are no more souls to mend

  Who is the angel God will send?

  Though late, we find that in the end

  Matters not if we break or bend

  It wasn't God we were meant to see

  For only love can set us free

  If it's proof you seek, there's no denying

  The truth is only found in dying

  But in search of God, and whereto begin

  You need look no further than within

  —Paul Elder

  About the Author

  A former long-term mayor of a small city, Paul Elder has spent a lifetime studying human nature from a unique perspective. He is a survivor of three near-death experiences: a drowning at the age of 12, a car accident at 17, and a heart attack while playing hockey at the age of 41. Along with the trauma and subsequent beauty of death came a series of spontaneous spiritual events—events that would rock his world, turning his belief system upside down, leaving him with some profound insights as to the true nature and ultimate purpose of human life.

  After spending nearly a decade as a Radio and Television news reporter, he ventured into a career of politics and business spanning more than 20 years. Forever grateful for his near-death experiences, his spiritual insights molded and deeply affected his approach to politics, business, and life.

  Now retired, and living on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Paul spends his time writing, teaching, and speaking throughout the United States and Canada on the phenomenon of near-death and out-of-body experiences.

  To contact the author, visit his web site at

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