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Eyes of an Angel Page 16

  “There is also great sacrifice by individual souls to help fulfill another's chosen lessons. Like your most recent Earth mother, they may agree to put themselves into a difficult lifetime to help facilitate the learning and experience of others. For those souls who wish to accelerate their growth and spiritual advancement, the quest for experience and knowledge is tremendous.

  “The human experience is a very powerful lesson. With few exceptions, those who choose to incarnate make their way through hundreds, even thousands of lives. They will experience both male and female bodies. Most, at some point, will also become murderers, thieves, and vagabonds. They'll experience lives of happiness and productivity as well as lives filled with grief, despair, and human failure. Always seeking to improve, a soul might make significant gains in one life, only to fall and digress in the next. The paths are as many and varied as the number of souls participating.

  “As you have heard and read, there are many who refer to life experiences as karma. They may refer to karma as a spiritual system of justice and balance. They believe that if a soul performed badly, perhaps causing injury or even death to others, that soul would be forced to endure the consequences of its actions and make amends. This is not necessarily true. No one is forced to do anything.

  “From the physical point of view, karma can be considered with both positive and negative connotations. But in the larger spiritual sense it is neither good nor bad. It is merely experience. For example, human societies may view the actions of some souls as incurring negative or bad karma where an apparent wrong has been done to another. What if that same soul had actually agreed to perform the seemingly cruel act to assist another soul in its learning experience and development? In reality it may be that an act judged by human society to be cruel and hurtful was actually a great sacrifice by the soul carrying out the act. The soul may have agreed to provide the lesson or experience for others, all the while knowing that he would incur the wrath and punishment imposed by human laws.

  “But, please do not misunderstand my message here. These types of laws that hold people accountable for their actions in Earth society are very necessary for the order and well-being of the physical world. In the spiritual world, retributions and punishments are not necessary. The responsibility for actions is readily accepted by souls in the course of their development.

  “For example: a soul, having lived a life as a cruel and violent womanizer, may very well choose to return in a subsequent life as a woman who may become the victim of abuse. But, I should also make it very clear: a soul caught up in cycles as an abuser or abused should not accept this as their fate, but rather strive to conquer and triumph over these powerful lessons. The soul learns and experiences from both polarities, and the slow wheel of cause and effect in human endeavor continues to turn.”

  My mind was spinning. Meldor's words were profound and engaging. I only hoped that I would be able to remember and integrate the message in my physical world.

  I thought of another question. “I can understand, Meldor, that it may be possible for two or more souls to plan on a relationship by being born into the world as another soul's child or as brothers and sisters. But, how could two souls plan to meet and become involved with each other as husband and wife? Given the freedom of choice by their parents and the many variables involved, how could they ever hope to overcome the tremendous odds against finding each other?”

  “Well,” Meldor smiled, “that's where we come in. Each and every soul that chooses to incarnate into the physical world has the help of one or more beings to guide and assist them towards achieving their goals. Guides and other helpers also work together in this realm to assist the individual souls with the lessons they hope to accomplish. This is by no means foolproof, and there is certainly no guarantee that the intended outcome will be achieved. Even as incarnated souls, you always have the freedom of choice, which could negate the possibilities, but the power of the guidance can be quite strong.

  “Usually, guidance will appear in small, almost undetectable, subliminal ways. A simple thought or idea could be put into your mind, causing you to turn onto a certain street or to go into a certain store where you may encounter another specific soul or circumstance designed for your development. It could also involve working with totally unrelated people, causing them to take a certain action that would assist in bringing the two souls together. The possibilities and circumstances are endless. It's very interesting, enjoyable work.”

  “Jeez,” I interjected. “That's amazing. I never thought of it that way. That would certainly improve the possibilities for almost anything if you guys on the Other Side decided you wanted something to happen.”

  “Well, not exactly.” Meldor grinned. “We would never do anything to interfere with a soul's higher purpose or wishes. But you should understand that our assistance might also help to achieve what may be considered by human society as bad or destructive. If a soul, for example, wanted to experience a tragedy resulting in his body or brain being handicapped, we would also assist in providing the circumstances for the accident to happen.

  “We realize that from a human's physical perspective, it might seem unthinkable or cruel that anyone would assist in what may seem like an unfortunate or needless tragedy. But, from a spiritual perspective, it is only the temporary physical body that is negatively affected. The soul is enriched and empowered by the experience.

  “You may also be surprised to know that many, many souls voluntarily choose to incarnate into bodies that will be born deformed or handicapped, or will become handicapped due to accident or disease at some point during life. There is literally a waiting list of souls offering their love and energy to the experience itself, or to helping others in the experience. In view of the challenge, the opportunity for spiritual growth and development can be significant, not only for those handicapped but also for the parents, siblings, and caregivers.”

  My mind was bursting with new questions and ideas. I was about to ask yet another question on the relationship between guides and their loved ones, when my alarm-radio clicked on so abruptly it jolted me into a sitting position in my bed. Frustrated, I got up to start my day.

  I was astonished at some of the information and concepts Meldor had shared with me. Even though I had read a few books that tried to explain how things worked on the Other Side, I had never given them much credence. Now it was different. Meldor had planted a seed in my mind. I began to realize how little I knew about myself and everyone else around me.



  And oh what joys will they evoke

  When God and angels first uncloak

  Life's greatest treasures gleaned at last

  Our hearts and souls in light are cast

  Autumn of 1994 brought even more dramatic change to my life when I was elected mayor of our city. At the time, I had no idea how much this new duty would affect my life. While still operating my own business, the additional commitment left little time for leisure or family. My days were long and tiring. More often than not I would arrive home late and exhausted.

  As the hectic pace of my life sped up, contact with Meldor and the spirit world waned. There weren't enough hours in the day. It became a rare occasion when I could slow my mind and body sufficiently to achieve a working altered state.

  Inexorably, life's continuing demands relegated my quest for spiritual connection to the realm of dreams. On occasion, Meldor would visit me in my sleep, but dreams being what they are, most left me with only fleeting impressions. After more than a year of this maddening pace, I desperately needed a holiday to relax, and I couldn't think of a better place than Virginia.

  Almost on cue, a letter arrived from The Monroe Institute inviting me to a newly developed program they called “Exploration 27.” Designed to carry participants to new levels of consciousness, up to and beyond the Park, it was just what the doctor ordered. As its name suggested, the program's goal was to explore new levels of consciousness to find and
identify what they contained. It sounded too good to be true. I signed up for the first available seminar.

  After a chilly midwest winter, the unseasonable warmth of the Virginia air was a welcome relief. The beautiful, serene surroundings and familiar rustic buildings of The Monroe Institute welcomed me like an old friend. It was good to be back.

  Our explorer group consisted of seasoned veterans of the Institute's programs and research. There were new faces as well as old friends. Flocking around the trainers, we coyly probed for previews of what awaited us. However, in traditional Institute solidarity, they deflected our probing with a standard Bob Monroe response. “You'll just have to wait and see for yourself.”

  The first day of the program was a familiar reconditioning to the numerous levels of Hemi-Sync. The process never ceased to amaze me. I loved the sensations the frequencies generated and quickly settled into the routine. Lying in bed, I took note of the changes slowly creeping through my body. It always seemed to start in my legs with an intense vibration tickling the soles of my feet. From there it would slowly move up through my ankles and into my calves. The electrical sensation riding the front of this wave always seemed to trigger small jolts and spasms in my larger muscles as it moved along. In its wake, a peculiar numbness and rigidity took hold. I would feel my muscles tightening, becoming immobile, and within a few moments all physical feeling would cease. The process usually took about ten minutes to work its way through to the top of my head. My body finally asleep, my mind would remain awake and alert.

  As it turned out, that first morning was not exceptional. I slid smoothly into a relaxed altered state, but nothing more happened. Through several sessions I just lay in the womblike darkness trying to guide myself into some meaningful experience, but to no avail. I called on Meldor and anyone else who might be around to lend a hand, but still nothing happened.

  Perhaps I was trying too hard. This had happened many times before, and it was frustrating. I took note of the incessant chatter going on in my mind. It was that little voice we all have, the one that originates within the left hemisphere of the brain, trying to analyze the hell out of everything. I would have to figure out how to shut off all the mental noise.

  By the last session of the day I was becoming perturbed. Finally, I decided to let go of the wanting. I quit trying to control the process and allowed my mind to drift to wherever it would take me. Fifteen minutes into the session, I started clicking in and out of consciousness, my mind finally free.

  Drifting closer to the edge of sleep, I felt a sudden falling sensation in the pit of my stomach. After a few moments the motion stopped and I found myself floating in a deep void. Enveloped in darkness, I hadn't the slightest inkling of where I was. Well, if we're supposed to be here for exploration, I thought, I'd better check this place out.

  Pushing forward through the blackness, I strained my senses trying to perceive whatever lay ahead. Minute after minute I continued on, but there seemed to be nothing, no sights and no sounds, only darkness.

  Suddenly, from out of nowhere, the wrinkled face of a gray, longhaired old man popped up in front of me. “BOO!” he screamed. And then waiting just long enough to see my startled reaction, he disappeared, howling with laughter.

  I'm sure my heart quit.

  The old guy, however, was practically splitting his gut. It sounded like he was rolling around on the floor.

  “That'll sure git yer heart a-goin',” he yelped, sounding every bit like Gabby Hayes in an old Western.

  I was so shaken it took me a few moments to get my wits back. Meantime, the old boy continued to howl like it was the funniest thing he had ever seen. Listening to his infectious giggling, I couldn't help but laugh myself. When he finally began to move away, I could still hear him cackling as he headed off into the distance.

  “You crazy old bastard!” I yelled after him. “If I catch you, I'll kick your wrinkled old ass!” This only brought new howls of laughter as he continued his invisible retreat. Eventually his cackling faded out, and I was left chuckling to myself.

  I couldn't believe what had happened. Here I was, hovering in the middle of God-knows-where, it was blacker than the ace of spades, and some old guy's spirit had just earned a great laugh at my expense. I looked around warily, but couldn't perceive a thing. After a couple more minutes, I decided that it would probably be wise to get my butt out of there before somebody else showed up for a laugh. Focusing on my body, I felt a flurry of movement and a moment later I was back in my bed.

  Before I could get the headphones off I was laughing. The crazy old bugger had practically scared the snot out of me. I wished I knew where I had been. Who was that crazy old devil? And why was he the only person I had encountered? I began to wonder if Meldor had anything to do with it. I wouldn't have put it past him.

  The following day saw a big improvement in my perceptual abilities, and I could feel the energy building inside me. We were being introduced to new frequencies that would take us beyond the Park into a special meeting place. The routine was the same for each excursion. We would all try to home in on a certain area of the Park, gathering there, before heading off individually to explore other areas and levels of consciousness.

  During the first few sessions I was having difficulty connecting with the other members of the group. I wasn't, however, the only one having a problem, so I didn't worry about it. We would be naturally drawn to wherever it was that our spirits needed to go. Sometimes some of us didn't seem to go anywhere at all.

  Although I occasionally sensed his energy, I hadn't yet met up with Meldor. I wasn't particularly concerned because I knew that he would be there whenever I really needed him.

  During one of the morning sessions, I was having a great deal of difficulty staying focused on our destination. Believe me, during an altered state, this can be a significant problem. The spirit-mind has the ability to move so quickly, but it can also become bored when nothing is happening. You can sometimes find yourself heading off in unwanted directions, triggered by a mere thought.

  Stretched out in bed, I tried concentrating on the meeting place, but with little success. My mind kept wandering. I thought about home and some silly little joke my son, Dave, had told me. Wondering how he was doing with his school project, I unexpectedly found myself hovering over the street in front of his school, some three thousand miles away.

  A group of kids were heading in through the front doors, but my attention was drawn to one blond-haired boy. Even though he faced away from me, I knew it was Dave. But he was wearing a jacket I hadn't seen before. Striped in blue, green, and purple, it had the strangest combination of colors. I thought, Well, maybe it's not Dave. He wouldn't wear such an ugly jacket. A moment later, I was back in my body in Virginia.

  I hadn't the time, though, to give much more than a passing thought to what I'd just witnessed. Steady vibrations rippled through my body, and I was set to head off on another adventure.

  There was an abrupt spinning motion, and seconds later I found myself standing in front of an enormous building. It looked like something out of ancient Rome or Greece. Built of marble or granite, it must have been at least fifty feet high. Huge pillars spanned the front of the imposing structure and an immense stairway led up to a large arched entry. Throngs of people moved in and out of the building while a boisterous group of children played on the steps. I noticed that only two or three of the children were dressed in modern clothing. The rest wore plain, loose-fitting toga-style robes. A sudden pang of paranoia gripped me, and for a moment I panicked. Quickly glancing down to make sure I hadn't shown up in my birthday suit, I let out a sigh of relief. Thankfully I was clothed in the same tan-colored robe I usually traveled in.

  Feeling more secure, I clambered up the wide steps to the massive landing. Everyone seemed happy. Small clusters of adults cheerfully greeted me as I made my way through the arched entrance and into the foyer.

  The beauty of the interior was breathtaking. Ornate pillars drew my eyes upwards
to astonishing domed ceilings. Flawlessly painted in flowing murals, the intricate images were stunning. Perhaps this was where Michelangelo perfected his art. The paintings seemed to move and flow with a life of their own. I had never seen anything so exquisite. But, somehow, it all seemed oddly familiar, like I had been there before.

  I was so entranced, I hardly noticed a woman clearing her throat in front of me. She had been patiently trying to get my attention. Lowering my eyes from the ceiling I realized that my mouth was hanging open.

  “Hi, Paul. My name is Larissa,” she warmly greeted me. “We've been waiting for you.”

  She was a tall, elegant woman in her mid-thirties. Her long dark hair was swept back from her face, revealing a soft creamy complexion and the most extraordinary blue green eyes. A white braided sash tied around her waist accented a loose fitting, light blue, floor-length gown. She emanated a wonderful air of happiness and love.

  “You've been waiting for me?” I stuttered.

  “Oh, most certainly,” she smiled. “We knew you'd be arriving and you're right on time. Come, I'll show you around.”

  “What is this place?” I asked.

  “This is our library and Hall of Records,” she responded as we began walking along a huge corridor. On either side were row after row of shelves filled with books and odd cylinders. It occurred to me that the cylinders might contain scrolls.

  “Yes, you're right.” She read my thoughts. “We have every mode of communication stored here. There are other beautiful libraries on this level, but this one contains the life records of all incarnated souls. Energy imprints of all sentient beings are constantly gathered and recorded here. Nothing is ever missed. You could, I suppose, call this a living library. It's constantly growing, changing, and evolving.”