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Eyes of an Angel Page 19

  “Don't worry,” Meldor laughed. “You'll be just fine.” And then with a curious look on his face, he asked, “By the way, why are we whispering?”

  “I don't want to wake up Candi,” I replied.

  “But she can't hear us!” Meldor looked mildly perplexed. “We aren't using physical voices.”

  For a moment I didn't grasp what he was saying. I could have sworn I was still grounded in my body and very much physically awake. There was no doubt in my mind that I was speaking with my normal physical voice.

  Meldor just smiled knowingly. Slowly unfolding his legs, he straightened his body until he was standing upright on the bedroom floor. “Come,” he said, reaching for my wrist, “take a look for yourself.”

  Grasping his arm, I pulled myself to a sitting position, dropped my feet over the edge of the bed and stood up. Turning back towards the bed, I was in for a bit of a shock. There, still under the covers, sleeping peacefully was my body. The transition out of my physical form had been so smooth and effortless I couldn't believe I had simply sat up and walked away from it. Meldor was right. We didn't have to whisper.

  “So, where are we going tonight?” I asked.

  Meldor's eyes twinkled. “How about to the heart of your soul?”

  “The heart of my soul?” I questioned. “Am I not the heart of my soul? Where else could it be?”

  “The reality of your soul and who you really are is much more complex than you realize, or rather I should say, remember. There are many aspects to the reality of every soul. Your reality is a combination of what you experience personally as well as the experiences you share with others.”

  With that Meldor sat on the foot of the bed, motioning for me to join him. Being careful to avoid sitting on my own body, I selected a spot beside him and sat down. Reaching out, he placed his hand on top of mine and quickly got into the heavy stuff.

  “In order for you to better understand the realities of your existence, it is important for you to know the context of your creation and origin. My teachers tell me that when the Creator first manifested the individuated aspects of The All, they were created by pure thought in the form of energy, light, and vibration. Each unit of energy, being part of the Creator, carried with it an aspect of the Deity's consciousness.

  “As we've discussed before, these individual aspects of God formed part of the Creator's wish to experience itself. The design and intent of the intricate light-beings thus created was and is a manifestation of perfect love. It is in this manner that we have all been created from the energy and likeness of God.

  “In order to instill an innate yearning for reunion and completion, as well as diversity of experience, each of these energy manifestations was further split into two individuated beings. In much the same manner as the nucleus of a fertilized egg begins its life experience by first growing into two individual cells, so too do these identical aspects of God begin their conscious existence. Although identical in source and vibration, they develop their own realities through differing experience.

  “The two souls thus created are never far apart in their thoughts and vibration. Attracting each other like magnets, they interact continuously in the spirit realms, and if they have chosen to incarnate, they may be together in the physical world as well. Their bond is strong and eternal.”

  “So the talk about soul mates is actually true?” I breathed. But it was more a statement than a question. The revelation astounded me. I had often heard people using the term, but to me it always seemed nothing more than a wishful romantic notion. Now I had to consider that there might be more to it than I'd previously been willing to believe.

  “The term ‘soul mates,’ is actually an appropriate description.” Meldor had obviously read my thoughts. “Although, I think it has become something of an overused term in the reality of the world today.”

  A question arose in my mind. “Meldor, you said that they may be together in the physical world. Wouldn't soul mates always want to be together?”

  “Actually,” Meldor replied, “it's not as common as people would like to believe. Most incarnates spend occasional physical lives with their soul mates in various relationships, but most of their time together is spent in the spirit realms. You should understand that if it were common practice, it could seriously hinder the development of a soul who most often seeks to learn and evolve by challenge and diversity. Repeating life after life with the same soul would not provide the diversity of experience conducive to spiritual development.”

  Another question popped into my mind and I couldn't resist asking. “Is my soul mate in the physical world right now? Have I met her?”

  “To begin with,” Meldor chuckled, “it might be unwise to assume that your soul mate is someone of the opposite sex. Secondly, although I understand your curiosity, it would not be appropriate for me to provide an answer to your questions. It is your life to live as you have chosen. We may help and guide you toward your intended direction, but we would never short-circuit your desired path. Suffice it to say that everything will eventually be revealed to you.

  “You should also know,” Meldor added, “that there are many other levels of soul interaction that are just as important to our development, if not even more so. In our quest to grow and develop from experience, we also find that there are other souls whose vibrations and energy resonate in almost perfect harmony with ours. The attraction amongst these harmonious like-minded souls is formidably strong and nurturing, resulting in a very special bond and relationship. In seeking ultimate perfection and unity, these groups of souls may bond together as powerful units of energy, essentially becoming a single larger and more powerful entity. They work together so harmoniously that their combined energies vibrate as one.”

  I had also heard various theories about “soul groups” or “soul clusters,” but the descriptions given were mostly vague and speculative. A number of questions and doubts came to mind.

  “Meldor,” I asked, “when you talk about these groups of souls, are you talking in terms of a family? For example, would members of my family here on Earth be from my soul group?”

  “Usually that is not the case,” Meldor replied. “Although members of a group may incarnate into the same family, it usually doesn't involve more than a couple of members in one family at the same time. The reason for this is that members of the same soul group would not have as much to gain by continuously incarnating with each other. Their bond and love for each other may override the challenge and intensity of the lessons that were intended. For this reason, among others, members of the same soul group do not normally incarnate together.”

  “So, then,” I asked, “what is the purpose of souls spending time in groups?”

  “As you know,” Meldor explained, “the main goal of a soul's journey is to attain the perfection of unlimited love through the accumulation of knowledge by experience. Most soul groups accomplish this through a cycle of incarnations, challenging themselves, and working to overcome the obstacles. Every entity in the cluster adds to the experience, knowledge, and energy of the group. Although each soul has its own plan and life blueprint, it is loved, encouraged, and supported unconditionally by the entire group.

  “The life experience of every member of the group contributes immeasurably to the strength of the whole. This is a very important aspect of the soul group. As the entire cluster of souls vibrates as one, the individual life experience of any single member becomes an experience shared by the rest of the group. This is of tremendous benefit to the advancement of the entire group. With several members of the group incarnated at the same time, the process of learning and accumulating experience is significantly improved. As the combined experience of the cluster grows, so does the power of its overall spiritual vibration. This acceleration of the developmental process allows the group to move more quickly to higher levels of understanding and vibration.”

  Meldor's statements intrigued me. “So, are you saying that other members of my soul group are
able to share the experience of the life I'm now living?”

  “Yes, precisely,” he replied. “If you could have the experience of several lives simultaneously, would it not accelerate your understanding and accumulation of knowledge?”

  I began to wonder about possible connections with my own group, if in fact I was part of one. How many souls were in my group? Was there a set number, or could it vary? Why hadn't I met any of them in my spiritual journeys? Or had I, and just didn't realize it?

  Meldor read my thoughts and responded. “Yes, most certainly. You are a valuable part of your group's activities and experiences. There are 14 individual aspects in your present group, which seems to be a bit smaller than average. There are groups that have as few as three or four, but there are also others that contain many more souls. While you may not be consciously aware of other members of your group, you do often join them during sleep. Although you had no way of knowing it, some of the faces you have seen through your mind's eye are theirs.”

  “Are any of my group living on Earth right now?” I asked.

  “Yes,” Meldor responded. “Besides you, there are currently four other aspects of your group involved in a life experience.”

  “Do I know them?” I asked. “Have I met any of them?”

  “No, not in the physical world, but you have interacted with one of them briefly during an altered state.”

  This was a complete surprise to me. I couldn't recall anything that would lead me to believe I had been in contact with a member of my soul group.

  I felt a surge in vibration and knew that Meldor was retrieving an energy imprint that would help me remember. Within a few short moments the forgotten experience began to play in my mind. I recognized it immediately.

  About four months earlier I had awakened one morning and was drifting in and out of sleep, when a subtle vibrational change swept through me. The next thing I knew I was riding in the back of a pickup truck in some unfamiliar place. The truck was traveling down a paved road past a cluster of large, high-roofed buildings resembling warehouses. With me in the back of the truck were a number of orange road pylons and what appeared to be a collection of ropes and pulleys.

  Puzzled, at first I couldn't imagine where I was. But as we rode along, the strangest thoughts began surfacing in my mind. I somehow knew that we were in the midst of a large property containing numerous film studios and soundstages. Fatigued, I found myself looking at a wrist-watch I didn't recognize, thinking, “Shit, it's only 7:00 A.M. and I'm already wiped.”

  As the truck turned a corner and pulled through a large overhead door into one of the warehouses, I was thinking about the upcoming week when I would actually get to do a couple of car crashes. All of a sudden, my surroundings began to fade, and a moment later I was back in my own body.

  The whole incident was so curious and confusing I had simply discarded it as a weird anomaly or vivid dream. Now Meldor was telling me that this wasn't just a dream, it had actually happened.

  The concept was entirely new to me. I remembered the confusion I experienced at the time. Although it felt like I was in my own body, the mental process was perplexing. I could identify my own thoughts as I sat in the back of the truck trying to make sense of what was happening, yet I seemed to be simultaneously experiencing someone else's thoughts. I wondered if this other person had been aware of my intrusion. Was he as confused as I was? Perhaps, if I had gotten out of bed immediately following the experience, I could have examined it more closely and come to some conclusion. Instead, I had simply rolled over and gone back to sleep. When I finally awoke, my memory of the episode was hazy and dreamlike.

  “The vibration of your two energies is so similar,” Meldor broke into my thoughts, “it is understandable that you may not have realized that you were interacting with the physical body of another soul.”

  My mind spun. There were so many things I wanted to know.

  What was this person like? Was he like me? Who was he? Where did he live?

  “Your curiosity is certainly understandable,” Meldor smiled in sympathy, “but the information you seek cannot be shared with you at this time. It could only serve to alter the individual paths that both of you are following. You will, at the appropriate time, know and remember.”

  “Yeah, I suppose you're right,” I acknowledged. “But it would sure be neat to meet him while we're still on Earth. I am curious, though; can you tell me why or how this happened? Could it happen again?”

  “Yes, I can do that,” Meldor confided. “It is actually a fairly common experience for incarnated souls. Because of the extremely close ties among members of a group, various personalities may spend a great deal of time with each other individually or within the overall group consciousness. As I have mentioned, incarnated souls often rejoin their soul groups for short periods of time while their bodies sleep. As this is a very powerful relationship, many souls do in fact find themselves connecting in the same manner that you did, but most often it is remembered only as a dream.”

  We sat in silence for a few moments as I contemplated these astonishing revelations. I couldn't come up with any new questions, and I wasn't so sure I even wanted to. I knew that everything would work out exactly as it was supposed to. And then I began to wonder, as I had so often in the past—why me? Why were these things happening to me? And what about this latest experience? Why was Meldor bringing it to my attention? Where was this supposed to lead?

  “This is your wish,” Meldor's gentle voice broke into my thoughts. “This is the challenge and goal of your experience. There is a definite plan and a specific purpose to all things. This is the path that you have chosen. Remember, it's the journey that's important, not the destination. You are beginning to understand that it is impossible to not reach your destination. It will always be the same for everyone.”

  With a warm smile, Meldor then placed his hand over my heart. “Now it's time for me to leave,” he whispered. “Until next time, know that you are loved.” For just a brief moment I seemed to lose consciousness. A second later, I was back in my body.

  In a sleepy state, I lay thinking about the possibilities that seemed to inhabit our lives. Again, I had learned something new, yet it seemed I was barely scratching the surface.

  In my busy world, time passed quickly, and several weeks went by without any significant spiritual activity. Then out of the blue I was presented with another intriguing experience that would eventually have a remarkable impact on my perception of life.

  I awoke early one morning from a long and restful sleep. Not ready to rise, I decided to snooze for a while, and settled into a meditative state. A montage of dreamlike images had just begun to waft through my mind, when I seemed to lose consciousness. A moment later I found myself walking along the concrete floor of a long corridor in what appeared to be a large stadium. “Hmm,” I thought. “This is interesting. I wonder where I am this time?” Its concrete walls painted a light shade of green, the hallway was about ten feet wide with a well-worn path down the middle of the floor.

  As I approached a corner, I found myself thinking that it had been a good concert. There had been a couple of screw-ups, but overall everything had gone well. The adrenalin was still pumping, and I was feeling pretty good.

  Suddenly it dawned on me that these could not be my own thoughts. They had to be someone else's. Although comfortable and completely at ease with the circumstance, I was, nonetheless, more than a little confused.

  Turning right, I continued down an adjacent hallway before reaching the doorway to a dressing room that I knew was mine. Opening the door, I crossed the floor to a chair and makeup table in front of a large mirror. As I lowered myself into the chair and looked up into the mirror, I was in for a shock.

  It wasn't me! The face staring back from the mirror wasn't mine. The surprise jolted me so badly, I instantly slammed back into my body.

  I couldn't believe it. For a second time I had somehow ended up in someone else's body. This time I had act
ually seen his face. He appeared to be much younger than me, perhaps in his early twenties.

  A good-looking young man, he had long jet-black hair and stunning blue eyes. Mesmerized by the intensity of his eyes, the image burned its way into my mind and soul.

  From the brief moments when I shared his thoughts, I knew that he was a musician or a singer. Probably, I decided, just one of millions of young musicians in the world, struggling to make his way. Could he, I wondered, be another member of my soul group?

  The powerful images of this experience stayed with me for a long time. I often found myself returning to them in my quiet moments. On a couple of occasions I even dreamed about the young man, but in the morning couldn't recall any more than vague impressions. Eventually, as with all things, time and life took their toll, and the incident faded into the recesses of my mind.

  I love sleeping in on weekends. To me, there are no finer moments than lounging in bed after a long sleep, dozing and dreaming. A couple of months had gone by since my last contact with Meldor, when one of those glorious, lazy Saturday morning opportunities arrived. Relaxing in bed, I enjoyed the luxury of a do-nothing-day, drifting in and out of consciousness, when the abrupt sound of a male voice jolted me to attention. “Knock, knock.”

  It was Meldor.

  With unreserved delight, I immediately locked in on his vibration, laughing to myself, “Oh no, not a dumb knock-knock joke.” I was about to play the straight man with the inevitable “Who's there?” when a wave of vibration swept through me. A moment later I was floating in a void.

  “Oh, just me.” Meldor's amused voice came from behind me. “Why—you were expecting someone else?”

  Anticipating his usual robed appearance, when I turned around, I was surprised to behold a shimmering sphere of energy. I had never seen Meldor without a physical form. For just a moment, I felt a twinge of anxiety. Recognizing my uncertainty, he began to radiate a subtle shade of violet light. Warmth and love permeated my being. “If you prefer,” he said, “I can revert to the human projection of my body.”