Eyes of an Angel Read online

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“We have always been with you. Although part of our energy has been changed to meet your needs, we would never leave you. Our beloved Meldor has completed his work with you on this level and has returned to his higher vibration. You must know in your heart that you will again be reunited with him.

  “We have been with you throughout, and will continue to be. Even when your conscious mind becomes too dense and physical to perceive us, we are with you. We come to you in your sleep and when your body is resting or meditating. Your well-being, your evolvement, and the very essence of your soul are intricately bound to our energy. You are a wonderful part of our existence and we love you beyond measure.”

  As she spoke, I closed my eyes. Powerful images flooded my mind. Drawn from memory, I saw an old picture of footprints in the sand and I recalled the story of a man who was carried by the Lord during his darkest hours when he thought that he had been abandoned. The vision carried too much pain. Emotion overwhelmed me. Clinging to her every word, tears welled up in my eyes, trailing down my cheeks.

  “In this physical world,” she continued, “the greatest aspect of one's spiritual awareness has to do, not with the intellect, but with the heart. Although you have grown much in this respect, there is much more that you must learn. In order to fully assimilate the beauty of love, you must seek a greater balance to the masculine and feminine energies of your ego. We have been working with your energies to help dissolve the protective walls built around your heart. But in order to fully experience this reality, you must also open your heart to embrace the feminine aspects of your being.”

  Waves of energy rolled through me. From deep within I could feel emotion building, lodging in my throat, choking me. I couldn't speak; I could hardly even think. With eyes closed, I felt the warm loving arms of my angels drawing me close, embracing and comforting me. At first it was just a trickle. And then it felt as if a great dam had broken inside me. The walls finally gave way.

  As emotion overcame me, I began to cry. Through deep wracking sobs, I released the pain of this lifetime and perhaps countless lifetimes before. I didn't know if it was for sadness or joy, but from the depths of my soul I wept. I cried for all the love I had been given, and for all the love I had lost by shielding myself from it. I cried until my mind was numb and I could cry no more. Finally I drifted into a deep healing sleep.

  When I awoke, the session was over; the angels had disappeared, and I was left alone with the fading remnants of their energy, a light unburdened heart, and a clarity of consciousness I had never known.

  As I sat up in bed, I could hardly contain my happiness and relief. It was as if I had been given a new lease on life. I hadn't a clue as to how this might affect me, but I knew it would be significant.

  The debriefing session flew by. I couldn't seem to get the grin off my face. I'm sure I looked a bit daft, just sitting there, smiling at everyone. I couldn't even begin to explain what had happened to me, much less share my experience with the group. For the moment, at least, it was far too personal.

  Following the debriefing and a late dinner, Patricia and I headed outdoors to enjoy the warm evening. We hadn't been able to talk since before the last session, and I was curious as to what she had experienced when we had clasped our hands earlier in the debriefing room. After a bit of pleasant chitchat, I broached the subject. I talked about the vibration and the peaceful feeling that came over me every time I touched her hand, and I asked if she had been feeling anything similar.

  Reaching across the picnic table, she placed her hand in mine, covered it with her other hand, and closed her eyes. Quiet seconds passed, and then finally she began to speak. “When I'm holding your hand,” she started slowly, searching for the right words, “I feel warmth and tenderness. I feel completely safe and protected. Nothing can hurt me.”

  Several moments passed as she sat motionless, and then without opening her eyes, she continued, “This is so strange. I don't know what to say. I've never felt anything like it before. It's like I've known you for a long time. It's wonderful, but I don't know what to think. Weird things are happening. This afternoon, before the other people came into the room, I had the strangest vision. When we were holding hands, I closed my eyes and all of a sudden I saw a beautiful silver locket, like the kind you see people wearing around their necks. It looked really old, like an heirloom. The two compartments opened up and in each side was a beautiful butterfly. They spread their wings and flew out into the air. They were so happy to see each other. They came together in the air, touched each other, and then they just disappeared.”

  Patricia opened her eyes. “It was really quite beautiful. What do you think it means?”

  My mind was reeling. I struggled for words. “I don't know,” I stammered. “You really saw that? That's incredible.”

  “I see a lot of things,” she replied, “but usually it's when I'm meditating or really relaxed. I don't know why I saw butterflies, but it must have something to do with you and me. Maybe it's a symbolic thing.”

  I felt a swirling queasiness in my stomach. “Hey, maybe we did know each other in a past life,” I quipped, trying to make light of the situation.

  “Well, maybe,” she smiled, “if you believe in that sort of thing.”

  “Yeah, if you believe in that sort of thing,” I laughed, squeezing her hand.

  She was such a wonderful paradox. How could she not believe in reincarnation? She was one of the most spiritually adept and knowledge able people I had ever met, yet she questioned the possibility of other lifetimes.

  As if reading my mind, she responded to my thoughts. “I'm not saying I don't believe in reincarnation. For all I know, it could be absolutely true. I just haven't experienced anything that would convince me. I guess I'll just have to keep my mind open to the possibility.”

  “Okay,” I beamed back, “we'll just have to see if I can convince you.”

  At that point, several other group members gathered around the picnic table and we spent the rest of the evening visiting. It was after midnight before we finally bid each other goodnight and headed off to bed.

  The following morning I awoke energized. Although I looked forward to what the day would bring, I was sad that we would soon be saying goodbye and heading home.

  The two morning sessions flew by without any significant happenings. Although I tried to reconnect with my angels, it was not to be. Other than a few innocuous images, my time was spent staring into the darkness or dozing. I was having difficulty focusing, and it was becoming more and more frustrating.

  The first session of the afternoon wasn't much better. Even though my energy had been building, I still found myself drifting off. To make matters worse, all of the pent-up energy was causing a peculiar reaction in my body. I was becoming aroused. This certainly wasn't making things any easier. Finally I tried to focus on suspending all feelings in my body. It worked too well—I fell asleep, and didn't wake up until the end of the session.

  The next exercise started off a bit more promising. As I drew ever closer to the threshold of expanded awareness, an intense vibration permeated my body. That was usually a sign of good things to follow. As I focused on taking myself deeper, at some point I fell asleep. When I clicked back into awareness, to my frustration, I discovered that I had again become aroused. Determined not to let this distraction ruin another session, I began a mental struggle against the condition. I wasn't making much headway, though. Finally out of frustration I decided to allow myself to fall asleep, hoping that when I awoke the problem would be gone and forgotten. But just as I was drifting off, I was suddenly jolted back into awareness with the distinct impression of someone kissing my lips.

  The feeling was unmistakable, an intense physical sensation. There had to be someone in my CHEC unit. I opened my eyes. Instead of the usual darkness, the room was bathed in a warm golden light. To my amazement, floating beside me, just a few inches above the bed was a very pretty, scantily clad woman.

  I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It wa
s clear that this was not a physical person, but a full-bodied spirit. In instant panic reaction, I tried to pull away, but couldn't move a muscle. Immediately, as if in response to my fear, from out of nowhere, a feeling of warmth and love enveloped me, dissolving and washing away my anxiety.

  As my shock subsided I tried to get my wits about me, but could do little more than lie there staring at her. There was something so familiar about her, it made my head spin.

  Lying on her side, she was an angelic vision. Propped up on her left elbow, her long dark curls flowed past her rounded shoulders to the bed below. Dark eyes beaming brightly, she gazed intently into my eyes. It was as if she were looking for a sign, a recollection, perhaps a fond memory. As I stared back, I began to feel little sparks of recognition. Then all of a sudden it hit me. I knew where I had seen her before. She had been in my dreams.

  As I lay on my back in disbelief, I drank in her image. She took my breath away. Invitingly open from her neck to her feet, a full-length creamy white gown hung loosely, caressing her body, accenting and revealing her sensuous form. She virtually radiated love and desire. Permeating my mind and body, her intense vibration filled the room with a raw sexual energy. Although I had seen her in my dreams, I could recall only fleeting glimpses. Something about her seemed hauntingly familiar, but I couldn't place her.

  I lay speechless. Helpless in the aura of her intoxicating feminine energy, my desire increased by the moment. The sparkle in her eyes grew stronger, and a loving, understanding smile spread across her face. Ever so gently she reached out with her right hand to lightly touch my face, then slowly, sensuously, traced her fingers down my chest and across my stomach. As her hand moved lightly across my body, it created within me a surging vibration that rippled through my entire being. The power was so electrifying. I felt like I was lifting off the bed in response to her touch.

  It was as if I was being zapped by an electrical transformer. But the sensation was pleasurable beyond belief.

  Tingling and shaking with the most intense desire I had ever experienced, I lay with the vibrations coursing through me, my mind practically numb from the rush of adrenaline. Moving her right leg across me, my celestial lover slowly positioned herself above me, straddling my aching body. Intense vibrations began to rocket through me. My heart was pounding, my brain begging for oxygen.

  The feeling was so exquisite I felt like I was about to faint. Her eyes glistened like diamonds as she began to slowly lower her body to mine. Our lips met! For a brief moment I was aware of her breasts touching my chest. Then to my astonishment, her entire body seemed to dissolve, sinking into mine.

  In panic, I found myself suffocating, fighting for air. It was, at the same time, one of the most terrifying yet exhilarating moments of my life. In just seconds, however, my thoughts carried me from fear and anxiety to surrender, and then to ecstatic passion. As our bodies flowed together, our energy and molecules seemingly occupying the same space, a growing heat began to vibrate in my heart. Quickly spreading to my stomach and genitals, it soon enveloped my whole body. With each moment the intensity increased, flowing, bubbling, and expanding until I thought I could take no more. Every particle of my being on fire with desire, I couldn't tell whether it was a physical sensation or a spiritual one.

  As my breathing turned to short hyper bursts, my heart pumped wildly. With building intensity, a powerful contraction began to spread through my stomach, gripping and paralyzing me. My mind and body screamed for release.

  Beginning at first as a low rumbling vibration, it hit me like a freight train. From deep within, a wave of tremendous orgasmic energy exploded through every cell in my body. Overwhelmed, I nearly lost consciousness. Almost immediately, my muscles contracted yet again and, from the center of my being, a second volcanic wave carried me to virtual oblivion. In a frenzy of ecstasy, I hung on for dear life.

  Wave after wave of electrifying energy swept through my body, locking me in the throes of uncontrollable passion. Then, as if seeking relief from the intensity of the experience, my mind began to slip. Flashes of light and vibrant energy flowed into my awareness, and then everything turned quiet and peaceful.

  I found myself looking out over a beautiful valley of green grass caressed by a warm morning sun. Sitting on a small grassy knoll, my lover's slim arms were wrapped around my waist. Against my back, I felt the warmth and comfort of her gentle embrace. Overflowing with unreserved love and passion, I could wish for nothing more. My life was complete. Love was all that mattered. Suddenly, my senses began to swirl and fade. Consciousness escaped me. A moment later I was back in my body, startled again by the light touch of tender lips on mine.

  Opening my eyes, I watched in awe as the female spirit rose above me. In radiant elegance, she floated to a standing position at the foot of my bed. Slowly and sensuously she traced her left hand across her breast until it came to rest over her heart. Eyes glowing with warmth and affection, a gentle smile spread across her face. Then, without diverting her gaze, she quickly faded from view.

  For several moments I stared into the unrevealing darkness. My heart only now beginning to return to a normal rhythm, a flood of questions arose in my mind. Who was this spirit? Why had she come to me? What had happened? Had I just experienced a sample of the spirit world's version of sex? Could I even call it sex? There was certainly nothing in the physical world to compare with it.

  The last session was over, but I was in no hurry to join the others in the debriefing room. This had been a strange and amazing week. It occurred to me that, although I would normally have been traveling all over the place, during this seminar I had not once ventured out of my CHEC unit. I had, however, had some of the most incredible experiences of my life.

  When I finally headed downstairs, Patricia was waiting for me. She'd had some extraordinary experiences of her own and wanted to share them with me. Knowing that this might be the last time we would ever see each other, we talked through the evening and into early morning. We were both amazed and intrigued by the familiarity we found in each other. Somehow, somewhere, we had known each other before, and now we promised to stay in touch.

  When it finally came time to say goodnight, I drew her into a long heartfelt hug and, as her soothing vibrations flowed into the deepest recesses of my soul, sadness welled up in me. I knew from the glistening in her eyes that she was feeling the same. We were both happily married. Would it be possible to stay in touch? Would our spouses understand our friendship and connection? With a lump in my throat, I headed off to bed.

  Morning, as usual, came too soon. I was always sad to leave the Institute, but this time my reluctance was even stronger. After saying our goodbyes to everyone else, the inevitable moment arrived. With tears in our eyes and sorrow in our hearts, Patricia and I quickly hugged each other and left for the airport.

  As we made our way into the Virginia sky, I sat back, reflecting on the week's events. Every nuance of the trip had been intense and mystifying. From meeting Patricia to encountering my angel guides, it had been an emotional affair. The angels had said they were helping to tear down the walls I'd placed around my heart so I could learn to love again. I didn't know if it was the things they had done or the emotional circumstances of the week, but I was feeling completely raw and exposed. My heart ached and I didn't know why. But in some strange way, it felt good.

  The first leg of my trip home took me to the Washington, D.C., airport for a two-hour layover. Plopping myself down into the most comfortable chair I could find, I pulled out a book to read. After just a few minutes, having difficulty concentrating on the words, I gave up. Setting the book aside, I closed my eyes to rest. Almost immediately I found myself sinking into an altered state. Shortly, I became aware of a subtle pressure building in my forehead. It had been some time since I had had a third eye vision, so I quickly focused my attention on the spot. The air around me began to change. The portal burst open, and a moment later I found myself looking at the front cover of a book.

What on earth is this? I wondered. This was not at all what I expected. The cover was fascinating: simple and striking, it bore the image of a beautiful, blue eye, containing the reflection of an angel's wings. It's tide was Eyes of an Angel.

  I had no idea what this was supposed to mean. Was this a book the angels wanted me to read? Scanning the cover for the author's name, I couldn't believe my eyes. At the top of the book was my own name.

  “No way!” I instantly protested. “I'm not writing a book. Besides, what do I know about angels?”

  This had been a long-standing argument of mine. A number of friends had previously suggested that I write a book about my spiritual experiences. And I had always resisted the notion. There were lots of good metaphysical books on the market. Most of the things I'd experienced had already been written about. I didn't feel I had anything new to offer.

  In the previous two years, three different psychics had predicted that I would write a book. In fact, just two months earlier, I had become upset with a psychic who kept insisting that I was going to write a book. It was all she could talk about. She went on and on about a book, until I thought, “Look, lady, if you're not getting any messages, just admit it and let me out of here. Forget it! I'm not writing a book!”

  Now, it appeared that even the spirit world was on my case.

  I continued my mental protest. “No, I can't do it. I'm not a good writer. Where will I find the time or energy?”

  I had hardly finished enunciating these thoughts when the book faded, and in its place appeared a blank sheet of paper. As I looked on, words began to form on the page, quickly flowing from line to line until the entire page was filled. While this was taking place, I heard a woman's whispered voice. “Don't worry. We'll help you.”

  With that, the vision disappeared, and I bolted to an upright position.

  I couldn't believe what I'd been told. How could I write a book? I didn't have the time or, for that matter, the desire. And I certainly didn't feel I had the skills necessary for such an undertaking.